Short BIO


Volha Savich was born in Minsk. Volha graduated from the faculty of Culture Studies at Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts. She came in to photography through self-education, her interest being developed since 2005. Volha also got special education in photography attending the courses of G. Rodikov and V.Parfianok (Belarus), Katarina Sieverding (Germany) and Elisabeth Schmirl (Austria). She is the winner in the nomination experimental photography (2015, The Baltic Photo Biennale, Kaliningrad, Russia ) and Gran-prix winner in the nomination art photograpy of Prafota contest (2017, Project photography contest, Minsk, Belarus).

Volha's photographs took part in exhibitions in Belarus, Russia, Austria, France, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany.


2017 Gran-prix winner. PRAFOTA (young Belarusian art/documentary photography contest within the confines of the Month of

Photography in Minsk), Minsk, Belarus

2015 winner of “The Baltic Photo Biennale. Photomania.”: Photography Category: Experimental Photography.

2014 finalist PRAFOTA (young Belarusian art/documentary photography contest within the confines of the Month of

Photography in Minsk), Minsk, Belarus

2013  prizewinner. European cultural Festival.Office for a Democratic Belarus "European Neighborhood"  photo contest".

2010 finalist. II International Photography Competition PHOTOSOPHY (festival INFOCUS), Vilnius, Lithuania, publication



Exhibition history:



Cities of translators. Photography exhibition as part of the translators' festival. Collegium Hungaricum Berlin. Berlin, Germany 

“Minsk. Drifting Accumulation” exhibition at the Berlin Literature Colloquium, Germany 


Exhibition as part of the Translationale literary translation festival. Collegium Hungaricum Berlin. Berlin, Germany 



Triennial of contemporary art. Palace of art. Minsk. Belarus

War alphabet. National Center of contemporary arts. Minsk. Belarus



Family album II. National Center of contemporary arts. Minsk. Belarus



Family album. National Center of contemporary arts. Minsk. Belarus

Winners of the PRAFOTA Prize. Art gallery KH. Brest. Belarus

The World with Minox. Riga. The Latvian Museum of Photography. Riga, Latvia 



Vortex preview. Month of photorgaphy in Minsk.  «Ў» Gallery of Contemporary Art. Minsk, Belarus 

Signum function. Volha Savich and Igor Savchenko. Odesa-Batumi Photodays. Batumi, Georgia

Prix Arts a la Pointe. Arts a la pointe, Audierne, France

PRAFOTA. Gran Prix winner (young Belarusian art/documentary photography contest within the confines of the Month of Photography in Minsk). 



Young belarusian photography. Gallery of classic photography. Moscow. Russia



Collective exhibition. Exhibition space of the Austrian Federal Chancellery. Vienna, Austria.

The Baltic Photo Biennale. Photomania. Kaliningrad, Russia. Winner, Category: Experimental Photography.



PRAFOTA finalist (young Belarusian art/documentary photography contest within the confines of the Month of Photography in Minsk). Cech. Minsk, Belarus. 

 Collective exhibition. Summeracademy. Hohensalzburg. Salzburg, Austria.



Collective exhibition. Krasnoyarsk International Media Art Festival. Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

"Time box" Solo exhibition, Museum of Modern Fine Art. Minsk, Belarus.

European cultural Festival.Office for a Democratic Belarus "European Neighborhood"  photo contest". prizewinner. Minsk, Belarus.



Collective media artistic project SYPEMEDA. Swiss-Byelorussian collaboration. The Republican Theatre of Belarussian Drama. Minsk, Belarus.

Collective exhibition. Gallery of visual arts NOVA. Minsk, Belarus.



Collective exhibition. Atelier Archipel. Arles, France.



Collective exhibition “Photosophy” (festival INFOCUS), Prospekto gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania, publication.

Solo exhibition ‘Time Box” , Atelier Archipel. Arles, France

Solo exhibition at the Festival Off des Boutographies.Central library of Emile Zola.  Montpellier, France



Collective exhibition “Le coffee Socks”. Arles, France.

Solo exposition “ Waiting for Godot ” in cooperation with Theatre (display of performance “Attente”), Espace Daniel Sorano. Paris, France.

“Taken in Minsk. Privat life”collective exposition and publication, gallery of visual arts NOVA. Minsk, Belarus.

Art project "Traps for the sun", Palace of trade unions. Minsk, Belarus.



Collective exhibition “Taken in Minsk. Townspeople”, gallery of visual arts  NOVA. Minsk, Belarus, publication.



Conceptual Belarusian photography of last decades (1986-2006) « Idée fixe», Fuji film fotografijos galerija. Kaunas, Lithuania.

Personal exhibition «Traps for the sun», gallery of visual arts NOVA. Minsk, Belarus



The fifteenth international festival of arts, « Artifact season». Vitebsk, Belarus.



Art project «Torn», Ethnographic museum "Mill". Orsha, Belarus.





2020 finalist PRAFOTA (young Belarusian art/documentary photography contest within the confines of the Month of Photography in Minsk), Minsk, Belarus

2017 winner PRAFOTA. Gran Prix

2015 winner of “The Baltic Photo Biennale. Photomania.”: Photography Category: Experimental Photography.

2014 finalist PRAFOTA (young Belarusian art/documentary photography contest within the confines of the Month of Photography in Minsk), Minsk, Belarus 

2013  prizewinner. European cultural Festival.Office for a Democratic Belarus "European Neighborhood"  photo contest".

2010 finalist. II International Photography Competition PHOTOSOPHY (festival INFOCUS), Vilnius, Lithuania, publication



Grants, Scholarships, Residencies:


2023 Residency Fundacija Tutaka. Dom twórców. Poland 

2022 Residency Instytut teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego. Legnica. Poland 

2015 Federal Chancellery Grant. KulturKontakt residency, Vienna, Austria

2014 Eastern Europe Grant for course at the Internationl Summer Academy of Fine Arts / Salzburg /  class: Elisabeth Schmirl 

2013 Eastern Europe Grant for course at the Internationl Summer Academy of Fine Arts / Salzburg /  class: Katharina Sieverding



Qualification / Study: 

2014  After-images - varieties of printmaking with Elisabeth Schmirl. TheSalzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts (Austria) 


2013 Visual culture studies with Katharina Sieverding. The Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts (Austria) 

12.08.2013 – 31.08.2013

workshop with Alexander Sokurov, Russian filmmaker

9.2009  - 5.2010 Victor Voronkevich's Painting Studio.Minsk. Classical drawing

10.2009 - 12.2009 - Museum of Photography. Minsk. Classical black&white photography

9.2005 - 10.2005 - Gallery of visual arts NOVA. Course "Camera Lucida" Minsk, Artistic and philosophical aspect in photography


2000-2005 – Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts